工廠模式 (Factory)

在 Design Pattern 中,工廠模式(Factory) 基本的理念是建構一套完整工廠鍊,可以用來生產各種類別品項。

例如,建構資料庫工廠,可以用來產生 mysql, mongodb, redis…. 等物件。



例如,我們今天使用的是 mysql,如果改天要換成 pgsql ,只需要更改初始化的設定即可。



首先,說明簡單工廠的實作,這裡用 Laravel 的 ORM 作為例子,

在建立資料庫連線時,資料庫的 Factory 會依照設定使用的資料庫類型來建立連線,


class ConnectionFactory

    protected $container;

    public function __construct(Container $container)
        $this->container = $container;

     * Create a connector instance based on the configuration.
     * @param  array  $config
     * @return \Illuminate\Database\Connectors\ConnectorInterface
     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
    public function createConnector(array $config)
        if (! isset($config['driver'])) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('A driver must be specified.');

        if ($this->container->bound($key = "db.connector.{$config['driver']}")) {
            return $this->container->make($key);

        switch ($config['driver']) {
            case 'mysql':
                return new MySqlConnector;
            case 'pgsql':
                return new PostgresConnector;
            case 'sqlite':
                return new SQLiteConnector;
            case 'sqlsrv':
                return new SqlServerConnector;

        throw new InvalidArgumentException("Unsupported driver [{$config['driver']}]");

     * Create a new connection instance.
     * @param  string   $driver
     * @param  \PDO|\Closure     $connection
     * @param  string   $database
     * @param  string   $prefix
     * @param  array    $config
     * @return \Illuminate\Database\Connection
     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
    protected function createConnection($driver, $connection, $database, $prefix = '', array $config = [])
        if ($resolver = Connection::getResolver($driver)) {
            return $resolver($connection, $database, $prefix, $config);

        switch ($driver) {
            case 'mysql':
                return new MySqlConnection($connection, $database, $prefix, $config);
            case 'pgsql':
                return new PostgresConnection($connection, $database, $prefix, $config);
            case 'sqlite':
                return new SQLiteConnection($connection, $database, $prefix, $config);
            case 'sqlsrv':
                return new SqlServerConnection($connection, $database, $prefix, $config);

        throw new InvalidArgumentException("Unsupported driver [{$driver}]");

通常簡單模式,最常被提及的就是會違反 開放封閉原則 Open-Closed Principle(OCP)


工廠抽象的方式,可以透過 Abstract 或 Interface 來建構工廠,實作過程僅作描述,不實作邏輯。邏輯會保留到各個類別繼承或implements 之後,強制實作。