
Introduction to Grafana K6: Efficient Load Testing Tool Use Cases


Grafana K6 is a highly efficient load testing tool built with JavaScript (with a Golang core) that maximizes the load capabilities of a single machine. According to the official documentation, a single K6 process can effectively utilize all CPU cores, and under ideal conditions, it can simulate 30,000–40,000 virtual users (VUs). This is typically sufficient to handle 100,000–300,000 requests per second (RPS), translating to 6–12 million requests per minute. It enables more efficient load testing without requiring additional hardware resources.

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Asdf Introduction & Quick Guide

asdf is a versatile version manager designed to simplify the management of multiple runtime versions, such as programming languages, tools, and frameworks, within a single development environment. With asdf, users can easily install, manage, and switch between different versions of various software packages, ensuring compatibility and flexibility across projects. Whether you’re a developer, system administrator, or anyone who needs to juggle multiple versions of tools, asdf provides a seamless solution, enhancing productivity and eliminating version-related headaches.

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How to Get Real Client Ip on Cloudfront

How to get real client IP in AWS CloudFront

In the realm of web development, obtaining accurate client IP information is a common challenge, especially when leveraging Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) like AWS CloudFront. The quest for the client’s true IP address often involves navigating through headers like X-Forwarded-For, but it’s not as straightforward as it might seem.

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An Introduction to Kubernetes (1) Environment Preparation

Containerization has revolutionized the way applications are deployed, offering increased portability and scalability. At the forefront of container management, Kubernetes has emerged as a dominant open-source platform.

Derived from the Greek word for helmsman or pilot, Kubernetes aptly serves as a pilot, skillfully managing workloads while you set the course for your applications.

In kubernetes series article, we will explore Kubernetes’ essential features, its role in managing containerized workloads, and its extensibility options, empowering developers to harness its full potential.

In this section, will introduction about environment preparation in linux and Mac.

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An Introduction to Kubernetes (2) Cluster Introduction

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It was originally developed by Google and is now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). Kubernetes provides a robust and scalable infrastructure to manage and deploy containerized applications in a consistent and efficient manner.

In kubernetes series article, we will explore Kubernetes’ essential features, its role in managing containerized workloads, and its extensibility options, empowering developers to harness its full potential.

A Kubernetes cluster is a set of physical or virtual machines (nodes) that are connected together to form a cluster. The cluster is managed by the Kubernetes control plane, which includes several components responsible for maintaining the desired state of the cluster. These components ensure that applications are running as intended and handle tasks such as scaling, load balancing, and monitoring.

Node with following components:

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An Introduction to Kubernetes (3) Publish Application to Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service

Kubernetes has become the standard for container orchestration, enabling developers and DevOps teams to manage containerized applications efficiently and securely. It has a vibrant ecosystem and a vast community that continues to drive innovation and adoption of cloud-native technologies.

In kubernetes series article, we will explore Kubernetes’ essential features, its role in managing containerized workloads, and its extensibility options, empowering developers to harness its full potential.

Before we introduction the environment preparation and cluster. Here will introduction the key concepts in kubernetes:

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An Introduction to Kubernetes (4) Troubleshooting & References

In kubernetes series article, we will explore Kubernetes’ essential features, its role in managing containerized workloads, and its extensibility options, empowering developers to harness its full potential. An Introduction to Kubernetes (1) Environment Preparation

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Why event-driven architecture is a good choice for aggregating two applications

What is an event-driven architecture?

Traditional approaches to integrating applications involve tightly coupling them together, making changes to one system impact the other.

Event-driven architecture is an excellent way to decouples and aggregate two or more applications because it provides a flexible and scalable way to integrate and communicate between different systems sources, such as user actions, system events, or sensor data. Event-driven architectures are used to build complex and scalable systems that respond to changes in real-time.

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Introduction data lake and how to establish on AWS

A data lake is a centralized repository for storing and managing large amounts of raw data in various formats. Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides a comprehensive range of services that can be used to set up a data lake system. In this article, we will introduct how establish a data lake on AWS.

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How to grant Cross AWS Account Access Resource by resource-based policies in microservices

Recently, our payment service is building with serverless Event-Driven Architecture with SNS, SQS, and lambda function, this will support the Event callback with core payment event service (the following will show as core event service), and this core event service are integration muli-purchase 3rd vendor to one interface.

When a user has subscriptions behavior in our platform, each action send to 3rd party vendor, the 3rd party vendor will create an Event to core event service, and the core event service send the callbacks Event to project payment service’s SNS, for the final process, project service need provide a cross VPC account access SNS grants to core Event service:

3rd vendor --(callback event)--> core event service --(callback event)--> project

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How Manage Aws Ecs Sensitive/Non-Sensitive Environment Variables

When developing an APP in ECS, We need to pass the environment variables to the tasks container.

Because we have sensitive and non-sensitive environment variables, so we need to take care in choosing the policy.

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Troubleshoot on AWS Elb Return 5xxs Error: 504 Gateway Timeout

We have a service that sometimes got a 504 Gateway Time-Out response from ELB( actually is CLB).

When investigating the root cause, we found out that CLB’s 3 instances are normal in the current two weeks, and the 504 time-outs happened in CLB.

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What different key features between Http1 Http2 Http3?

In this article, we will introduce the main key features of HTTP 1.0, HTTP 1.1, HTTP 2.0, and HTTP 3.0.


HTTP1.0 was published in 1996 and already obsoleted.

In HTTP1.0, each request needs to make TCP 3-way-handshake connection, which means will high cost for time-consuming and low efficiency.

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Getting Start install Gitlab Runner in AWS EC2 and Regist

In this article is a tutorial to get started with GitLab Runner, will show you how to install runner in AWS EC2 and registrations to GitLab.

Before you start, you need to make sure local with the following configuration:

  • login AWS CLI
  • Docker
  • nodejs

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Develop and Debug Aws Lambda Function in Local by Vscode


AWS SAM CLI is a AWS CLI tool that allows you to develop, test and analysis your application in the local environment.

In MAC environment, install SAM tool by brew:

brew tap aws/tap
brew install aws-sam-cli
sam --version

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Aws Opsworks Introduction

Opsworks Introduction AWS OpsWorks is an configuration management service that provides an easy way to create and manage AWS stacks and application. You can preset your AWS resourcce and manage the configuration, deploy those resources and monitor the status of the resources activity.

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How to Setting Kubernetes Secret to Pod Local File

This is part II to illustrate how to setting secret to kubernetes pod local file.

(Aobut the setting secret to environment variables can reference : How to setting kubernetes secret to environment variables )

In Kubernetes, some sensitive information needs to be managed in Pods, which can be managed by Kubernetes secret.

Here we will demonstrate how to manage secrets and save to pod local file.

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How to setting Kubernetes Secret to environment variables

In Kubernetes, some sensitive information needs to be managed in Pods, which can be managed by Kubernetes secret.

Here we will demonstrate how to manage secrets.

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Getting start to run kubernetes

This article will illustrate how to run a Kubernetes in mac M1 local, and learn how to use kubectl command to deploy a service. More detailed concept can reference Kubernetes documents

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What Is Sli Slo Sla and User Facing

A service provider probably has a technology-related service contract with the client to promise about the service level availability and usability.

Here we will discuss service level terminology about SLI/SLO/SLA and User-Facing:

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