Country codes and Dial codes (total 95). If more complete’s conuntry code you needed. you can visited 249 Country codes json formate (En, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese Version)

Include English(en) version, Traditional Chinese(tw) version, Simplified Chinese(cn) version

English version

      "countryName": "United States",
      "phoneCode": "+1"
      "countryName": "Canada",
      "phoneCode": "+1"
      "countryName": "United Kingdom",
      "phoneCode": "+44"
      "countryName": "Afghanistan",
      "phoneCode": "+93"
      "countryName": "Argentina",
      "phoneCode": "+54"
      "countryName": "Austria",
      "phoneCode": "+43"
      "countryName": "Australia",
      "phoneCode": "+61"
      "countryName": "Bahrain",
      "phoneCode": "+973"
      "countryName": "Bengal",
      "phoneCode": "+880"
      "countryName": "Belgium",
      "phoneCode": "+32"
      "countryName": "Bhutan",
      "phoneCode": "+975"
      "countryName": "Bolivia",
      "phoneCode": "+591"
      "countryName": "Brazil",
      "phoneCode": "+55"
      "countryName": "Cambodia",
      "phoneCode": "+855"
      "countryName": "Cameroon",
      "phoneCode": "+237"
      "countryName": "China",
      "phoneCode": "+86"
      "countryName": "Anguilla",
      "phoneCode": "+1264"
      "countryName": "Antigua",
      "phoneCode": "+1268"
      "countryName": "Aruba",
      "phoneCode": "+297"
      "countryName": "Bermuda",
      "phoneCode": "+1441"
      "countryName": "Dominican",
      "phoneCode": "+1767"
      "countryName": "Grenada",
      "phoneCode": "+1473"
      "countryName": "Saint Lucia",
      "phoneCode": "+1758"
      "countryName": "Colombia",
      "phoneCode": "+57"
      "countryName": "Singapore",
      "phoneCode": "+ˊ65"
      "countryName": "the republic of Congo",
      "phoneCode": "+243"
      "countryName": "Switzerland",
      "phoneCode": "+41"
      "countryName": "Germany",
      "phoneCode": "+49"
      "countryName": "Denmark",
      "phoneCode": "+45"
      "countryName": "Egypt",
      "phoneCode": "+20"
      "countryName": "Spain",
      "phoneCode": "+34"
      "countryName": "El Salvador",
      "phoneCode": "+503"
      "countryName": "Finland",
      "phoneCode": "+358"
      "countryName": "Fiji",
      "phoneCode": "+679"
      "countryName": "France",
      "phoneCode": "+33"
      "countryName": "Georgia",
      "phoneCode": "+995"
      "countryName": "Ghana",
      "phoneCode": "+233"
      "countryName": "Greece",
      "phoneCode": "+30"
      "countryName": "Guatemala",
      "phoneCode": "+502"
      "countryName": "Guyana",
      "phoneCode": "+967"
      "countryName": "Haiti",
      "phoneCode": "+509"
      "countryName": "Honduras",
      "phoneCode": "+504"
      "countryName": "Hong Kong",
      "phoneCode": "+852"
      "countryName": "India",
      "phoneCode": "+91"
      "countryName": "Iceland",
      "phoneCode": "+354"
      "countryName": "Indonesia",
      "phoneCode": "+62"
      "countryName": "Iraq",
      "phoneCode": "+964"
      "countryName": "Ireland",
      "phoneCode": "+353"
      "countryName": "Italy",
      "phoneCode": "+39"
      "countryName": "Jamaica",
      "phoneCode": "+1876"
      "countryName": "Jordan",
      "phoneCode": "+962"
      "countryName": "Kazakhstan",
      "phoneCode": "+7"
      "countryName": "Kenya",
      "phoneCode": "+254"
      "countryName": "Japan",
      "phoneCode": "+81"
      "countryName": "Korea",
      "phoneCode": "+82"
      "countryName": "Kuwait",
      "phoneCode": "+965"
      "countryName": "Luxembourg",
      "phoneCode": "+352"
      "countryName": "Macao",
      "phoneCode": "+853"
      "countryName": "Macedonia",
      "phoneCode": "+389"
      "countryName": "Madagascar",
      "phoneCode": "+261"
      "countryName": "Malaysia",
      "phoneCode": "+60"
      "countryName": "Maldives",
      "phoneCode": "+960"
      "countryName": "Mexico",
      "phoneCode": "+52"
      "countryName": "Morocco",
      "phoneCode": "+212"
      "countryName": "Norway",
      "phoneCode": "+47"
      "countryName": "Noruu",
      "phoneCode": "+674"
      "countryName": "New Zealand",
      "phoneCode": "+64"
      "countryName": "Nicaragua",
      "phoneCode": "+505"
      "countryName": "Nigeria",
      "phoneCode": "+234"
      "countryName": "Pakistan",
      "phoneCode": "+92"
      "countryName": "Panama",
      "phoneCode": "+507"
      "countryName": "Papua New Guinea",
      "phoneCode": "+675"
      "countryName": "Portugal",
      "phoneCode": "+351"
      "countryName": "Paraguay",
      "phoneCode": "+595"
      "countryName": "Romania",
      "phoneCode": "+40"
      "countryName": "Russia",
      "phoneCode": "+7"
      "countryName": "Rwanda",
      "phoneCode": "+250"
      "countryName": "Saudi Arabia",
      "phoneCode": "+966"
      "countryName": "Syria",
      "phoneCode": "+381"
      "countryName": "Seychelles",
      "phoneCode": "+248"
      "countryName": "Sri Lanka",
      "phoneCode": "+94"
      "countryName": "Singapore",
      "phoneCode": "+65"
      "countryName": "Sudan",
      "phoneCode": "+249"
      "countryName": "Sweden",
      "phoneCode": "+46"
      "countryName": "Thailand",
      "phoneCode": "+66"
      "countryName": "Taiwan",
      "phoneCode": "+886"
      "countryName": "Tonga Islands",
      "phoneCode": "+676"
      "countryName": "Turkey",
      "phoneCode": "+90"
      "countryName": "Uganda",
      "phoneCode": "+256"
      "countryName": "Ukraine",
      "phoneCode": "+380"
      "countryName": "United Arab Emirates",
      "phoneCode": "+971"
      "countryName": "Uruguay",
      "phoneCode": "+598"
      "countryName": "Uzbekistan",
      "phoneCode": "+998"
      "countryName": "Venezuela",
      "phoneCode": "+58"
      "countryName": "Yemen",
      "phoneCode": "+967"

Traditional Chinese

      "countryName": "美國", 
      "phoneCode": "+1"
      "countryName": "加拿大", 
      "phoneCode": "+1"
      "countryName": "英國", 
      "phoneCode": "+44"
      "countryName": "阿富汗", 
      "phoneCode": "+93"
      "countryName": "阿根廷", 
      "phoneCode": "+54"
      "countryName": "奧地利", 
      "phoneCode": "+43"
      "countryName": "澳大利亞", 
      "phoneCode": "+61"
      "countryName": "巴林", 
      "phoneCode": "+973"
      "countryName": "孟加拉", 
      "phoneCode": "+880"
      "countryName": "比利時", 
      "phoneCode": "+32"
      "countryName": "不丹", 
      "phoneCode": "+975"
      "countryName": "玻利維亞", 
      "phoneCode": "+591"
      "countryName": "巴西", 
      "phoneCode": "+55"
      "countryName": "柬埔寨", 
      "phoneCode": "+855"
      "countryName": "喀麥隆", 
      "phoneCode": "+237"
      "countryName": "中國", 
      "phoneCode": "+86"
      "countryName": "安圭拉", 
      "phoneCode": "+1264"
      "countryName": "安地瓜", 
      "phoneCode": "+1268"
      "countryName": "阿魯巴", 
      "phoneCode": "+297"
      "countryName": "百慕達", 
      "phoneCode": "+1441"
      "countryName": "多明尼加", 
      "phoneCode": "+1767"
      "countryName": "格瑞那達", 
      "phoneCode": "+1473"
      "countryName": "聖盧西亞", 
      "phoneCode": "+1758"
      "countryName": "哥倫比亞", 
      "phoneCode": "+57"
      "countryName": "新加坡", 
      "phoneCode": "+ˊ65"
      "countryName": "剛果共和國", 
      "phoneCode": "+243"
      "countryName": "瑞士", 
      "phoneCode": "+41"
      "countryName": "德國", 
      "phoneCode": "+49"
      "countryName": "丹麥", 
      "phoneCode": "+45"
      "countryName": "埃及", 
      "phoneCode": "+20"
      "countryName": "西班牙", 
      "phoneCode": "+34"
      "countryName": "薩爾瓦多", 
      "phoneCode": "+503"
      "countryName": "芬蘭", 
      "phoneCode": "+358"
      "countryName": "斐濟", 
      "phoneCode": "+679"
      "countryName": "法國", 
      "phoneCode": "+33"
      "countryName": "喬治亞", 
      "phoneCode": "+995"
      "countryName": "迦納", 
      "phoneCode": "+233"
      "countryName": "希臘", 
      "phoneCode": "+30"
      "countryName": "瓜地馬拉", 
      "phoneCode": "+502"
      "countryName": "蓋亞那", 
      "phoneCode": "+967"
      "countryName": "海地", 
      "phoneCode": "+509"
      "countryName": "宏都拉斯", 
      "phoneCode": "+504"
      "countryName": "香港", 
      "phoneCode": "+852"
      "countryName": "印度", 
      "phoneCode": "+91"
      "countryName": "冰島", 
      "phoneCode": "+354"
      "countryName": "印尼", 
      "phoneCode": "+62"
      "countryName": "伊拉克", 
      "phoneCode": "+964"
      "countryName": "愛爾蘭", 
      "phoneCode": "+353"
      "countryName": "義大利", 
      "phoneCode": "+39"
      "countryName": "牙買加", 
      "phoneCode": "+1876"
      "countryName": "約旦", 
      "phoneCode": "+962"
      "countryName": "哈薩克", 
      "phoneCode": "+7"
      "countryName": "肯亞", 
      "phoneCode": "+254"
      "countryName": "日本", 
      "phoneCode": "+81"
      "countryName": "韓國", 
      "phoneCode": "+82"
      "countryName": "科威特", 
      "phoneCode": "+965"
      "countryName": "盧森堡", 
      "phoneCode": "+352"
      "countryName": "澳門", 
      "phoneCode": "+853"
      "countryName": "馬其頓", 
      "phoneCode": "+389"
      "countryName": "馬達加斯加", 
      "phoneCode": "+261"
      "countryName": "馬來西亞", 
      "phoneCode": "+60"
      "countryName": "馬爾地夫", 
      "phoneCode": "+960"
      "countryName": "墨西哥", 
      "phoneCode": "+52"
      "countryName": "摩洛哥", 
      "phoneCode": "+212"
      "countryName": "挪威", 
      "phoneCode": "+47"
      "countryName": "諾魯", 
      "phoneCode": "+674"
      "countryName": "紐西蘭", 
      "phoneCode": "+64"
      "countryName": "尼加拉瓜", 
      "phoneCode": "+505"
      "countryName": "奈及利亞", 
      "phoneCode": "+234"
      "countryName": "巴基斯坦", 
      "phoneCode": "+92"
      "countryName": "巴拿馬", 
      "phoneCode": "+507"
      "countryName": "巴布亞紐幾內亞", 
      "phoneCode": "+675"
      "countryName": "葡萄牙", 
      "phoneCode": "+351"
      "countryName": "巴拉圭", 
      "phoneCode": "+595"
      "countryName": "羅馬尼亞", 
      "phoneCode": "+40"
      "countryName": "俄羅斯", 
      "phoneCode": "+7"
      "countryName": "盧旺達", 
      "phoneCode": "+250"
      "countryName": "沙烏地阿拉伯", 
      "phoneCode": "+966"
      "countryName": "敘利亞", 
      "phoneCode": "+381"
      "countryName": "塞席爾", 
      "phoneCode": "+248"
      "countryName": "斯里蘭卡", 
      "phoneCode": "+94"
      "countryName": "新加坡", 
      "phoneCode": "+65"
      "countryName": "蘇丹", 
      "phoneCode": "+249"
      "countryName": "瑞典", 
      "phoneCode": "+46"
      "countryName": "泰國", 
      "phoneCode": "+66"
      "countryName": "台灣", 
      "phoneCode": "+886"
      "countryName": "湯加群島", 
      "phoneCode": "+676"
      "countryName": "土耳其", 
      "phoneCode": "+90"
      "countryName": "烏干達", 
      "phoneCode": "+256"
      "countryName": "烏克蘭", 
      "phoneCode": "+380"
      "countryName": "阿拉伯聯合大公國", 
      "phoneCode": "+971"
      "countryName": "烏拉圭", 
      "phoneCode": "+598"
      "countryName": "烏茲別克", 
      "phoneCode": "+998"
      "countryName": "委內瑞拉", 
      "phoneCode": "+58"
      "countryName": "葉門", 
      "phoneCode": "+967"

Simplified Chinese

      "countryName": "美国", 
      "phoneCode": "+1"
      "countryName": "加拿大", 
      "phoneCode": "+1"
      "countryName": "英国", 
      "phoneCode": "+44"
      "countryName": "阿富汗", 
      "phoneCode": "+93"
      "countryName": "阿根廷", 
      "phoneCode": "+54"
      "countryName": "奥地利", 
      "phoneCode": "+43"
      "countryName": "澳大利亚", 
      "phoneCode": "+61"
      "countryName": "巴林", 
      "phoneCode": "+973"
      "countryName": "孟加拉", 
      "phoneCode": "+880"
      "countryName": "比利时", 
      "phoneCode": "+32"
      "countryName": "不丹", 
      "phoneCode": "+975"
      "countryName": "玻利维亚", 
      "phoneCode": "+591"
      "countryName": "巴西", 
      "phoneCode": "+55"
      "countryName": "柬埔寨", 
      "phoneCode": "+855"
      "countryName": "喀麦隆", 
      "phoneCode": "+237"
      "countryName": "中国", 
      "phoneCode": "+86"
      "countryName": "安圭拉", 
      "phoneCode": "+1264"
      "countryName": "安地瓜", 
      "phoneCode": "+1268"
      "countryName": "阿鲁巴", 
      "phoneCode": "+297"
      "countryName": "百慕达", 
      "phoneCode": "+1441"
      "countryName": "多明尼加", 
      "phoneCode": "+1767"
      "countryName": "格瑞那达", 
      "phoneCode": "+1473"
      "countryName": "圣卢西亚", 
      "phoneCode": "+1758"
      "countryName": "哥伦比亚", 
      "phoneCode": "+57"
      "countryName": "新加坡", 
      "phoneCode": "+ˊ65"
      "countryName": "刚果共和国", 
      "phoneCode": "+243"
      "countryName": "瑞士", 
      "phoneCode": "+41"
      "countryName": "德国", 
      "phoneCode": "+49"
      "countryName": "丹麦", 
      "phoneCode": "+45"
      "countryName": "埃及", 
      "phoneCode": "+20"
      "countryName": "西班牙", 
      "phoneCode": "+34"
      "countryName": "萨尔瓦多", 
      "phoneCode": "+503"
      "countryName": "芬兰", 
      "phoneCode": "+358"
      "countryName": "斐济", 
      "phoneCode": "+679"
      "countryName": "法国", 
      "phoneCode": "+33"
      "countryName": "乔治亚", 
      "phoneCode": "+995"
      "countryName": "迦纳", 
      "phoneCode": "+233"
      "countryName": "希腊", 
      "phoneCode": "+30"
      "countryName": "瓜地马拉", 
      "phoneCode": "+502"
      "countryName": "盖亚那", 
      "phoneCode": "+967"
      "countryName": "海地", 
      "phoneCode": "+509"
      "countryName": "宏都拉斯", 
      "phoneCode": "+504"
      "countryName": "香港", 
      "phoneCode": "+852"
      "countryName": "印度", 
      "phoneCode": "+91"
      "countryName": "冰岛", 
      "phoneCode": "+354"
      "countryName": "印尼", 
      "phoneCode": "+62"
      "countryName": "伊拉克", 
      "phoneCode": "+964"
      "countryName": "爱尔兰", 
      "phoneCode": "+353"
      "countryName": "义大利", 
      "phoneCode": "+39"
      "countryName": "牙买加", 
      "phoneCode": "+1876"
      "countryName": "约旦", 
      "phoneCode": "+962"
      "countryName": "哈萨克", 
      "phoneCode": "+7"
      "countryName": "肯亚", 
      "phoneCode": "+254"
      "countryName": "日本", 
      "phoneCode": "+81"
      "countryName": "韩国", 
      "phoneCode": "+82"
      "countryName": "科威特", 
      "phoneCode": "+965"
      "countryName": "卢森堡", 
      "phoneCode": "+352"
      "countryName": "澳门", 
      "phoneCode": "+853"
      "countryName": "马其顿", 
      "phoneCode": "+389"
      "countryName": "马达加斯加", 
      "phoneCode": "+261"
      "countryName": "马来西亚", 
      "phoneCode": "+60"
      "countryName": "马尔地夫", 
      "phoneCode": "+960"
      "countryName": "墨西哥", 
      "phoneCode": "+52"
      "countryName": "摩洛哥", 
      "phoneCode": "+212"
      "countryName": "挪威", 
      "phoneCode": "+47"
      "countryName": "诺鲁", 
      "phoneCode": "+674"
      "countryName": "纽西兰", 
      "phoneCode": "+64"
      "countryName": "尼加拉瓜", 
      "phoneCode": "+505"
      "countryName": "奈及利亚", 
      "phoneCode": "+234"
      "countryName": "巴基斯坦", 
      "phoneCode": "+92"
      "countryName": "巴拿马", 
      "phoneCode": "+507"
      "countryName": "巴布亚纽几内亚", 
      "phoneCode": "+675"
      "countryName": "葡萄牙", 
      "phoneCode": "+351"
      "countryName": "巴拉圭", 
      "phoneCode": "+595"
      "countryName": "罗马尼亚", 
      "phoneCode": "+40"
      "countryName": "俄罗斯", 
      "phoneCode": "+7"
      "countryName": "卢旺达", 
      "phoneCode": "+250"
      "countryName": "沙乌地阿拉伯", 
      "phoneCode": "+966"
      "countryName": "叙利亚", 
      "phoneCode": "+381"
      "countryName": "塞席尔", 
      "phoneCode": "+248"
      "countryName": "斯里兰卡", 
      "phoneCode": "+94"
      "countryName": "新加坡", 
      "phoneCode": "+65"
      "countryName": "苏丹", 
      "phoneCode": "+249"
      "countryName": "瑞典", 
      "phoneCode": "+46"
      "countryName": "泰国", 
      "phoneCode": "+66"
      "countryName": "台湾", 
      "phoneCode": "+886"
      "countryName": "汤加群岛", 
      "phoneCode": "+676"
      "countryName": "土耳其", 
      "phoneCode": "+90"
      "countryName": "乌干达", 
      "phoneCode": "+256"
      "countryName": "乌克兰", 
      "phoneCode": "+380"
      "countryName": "阿拉伯联合大公国", 
      "phoneCode": "+971"
      "countryName": "乌拉圭", 
      "phoneCode": "+598"
      "countryName": "乌兹别克", 
      "phoneCode": "+998"
      "countryName": "委内瑞拉", 
      "phoneCode": "+58"
      "countryName": "叶门", 
      "phoneCode": "+967"

zh-tw, zh-cn, english

      "countryNameTw": "美國", 
      "countryNameEn":"United States",
      "phoneCode": "+1"
      "countryNameTw": "加拿大", 
      "phoneCode": "+1"
      "countryNameTw": "英國", 
      "countryNameEn":"United Kingdom",
      "phoneCode": "+44"
      "countryNameTw": "阿富汗", 
      "phoneCode": "+93"
      "countryNameTw": "阿根廷", 
      "phoneCode": "+54"
      "countryNameTw": "奧地利", 
      "phoneCode": "+43"
      "countryNameTw": "澳大利亞", 
      "phoneCode": "+61"
      "countryNameTw": "巴林", 
      "phoneCode": "+973"
      "countryNameTw": "孟加拉", 
      "phoneCode": "+880"
      "countryNameTw": "比利時", 
      "phoneCode": "+32"
      "countryNameTw": "不丹", 
      "phoneCode": "+975"
      "countryNameTw": "玻利維亞", 
      "phoneCode": "+591"
      "countryNameTw": "巴西", 
      "phoneCode": "+55"
      "countryNameTw": "柬埔寨", 
      "phoneCode": "+855"
      "countryNameTw": "喀麥隆", 
      "phoneCode": "+237"
      "countryNameTw": "中國", 
      "phoneCode": "+86"
      "countryNameTw": "安圭拉", 
      "phoneCode": "+1264"
      "countryNameTw": "安地瓜", 
      "phoneCode": "+1268"
      "countryNameTw": "阿魯巴", 
      "phoneCode": "+297"
      "countryNameTw": "百慕達", 
      "phoneCode": "+1441"
      "countryNameTw": "多明尼加", 
      "phoneCode": "+1767"
      "countryNameTw": "格瑞那達", 
      "phoneCode": "+1473"
      "countryNameTw": "聖盧西亞", 
      "countryNameEn":"Saint Lucia",
      "phoneCode": "+1758"
      "countryNameTw": "哥倫比亞", 
      "phoneCode": "+57"
      "countryNameTw": "新加坡", 
      "phoneCode": "+ˊ65"
      "countryNameTw": "剛果共和國", 
      "countryNameEn":"the republic of Congo",
      "phoneCode": "+243"
      "countryNameTw": "瑞士", 
      "phoneCode": "+41"
      "countryNameTw": "德國", 
      "phoneCode": "+49"
      "countryNameTw": "丹麥", 
      "phoneCode": "+45"
      "countryNameTw": "埃及", 
      "phoneCode": "+20"
      "countryNameTw": "西班牙", 
      "phoneCode": "+34"
      "countryNameTw": "薩爾瓦多", 
      "countryNameEn":"El Salvador",
      "phoneCode": "+503"
      "countryNameTw": "芬蘭", 
      "phoneCode": "+358"
      "countryNameTw": "斐濟", 
      "phoneCode": "+679"
      "countryNameTw": "法國", 
      "phoneCode": "+33"
      "countryNameTw": "喬治亞", 
      "phoneCode": "+995"
      "countryNameTw": "迦納", 
      "phoneCode": "+233"
      "countryNameTw": "希臘", 
      "phoneCode": "+30"
      "countryNameTw": "瓜地馬拉", 
      "phoneCode": "+502"
      "countryNameTw": "蓋亞那", 
      "phoneCode": "+967"
      "countryNameTw": "海地", 
      "phoneCode": "+509"
      "countryNameTw": "宏都拉斯", 
      "phoneCode": "+504"
      "countryNameTw": "香港", 
      "countryNameEn":"Hong Kong",
      "phoneCode": "+852"
      "countryNameTw": "印度", 
      "phoneCode": "+91"
      "countryNameTw": "冰島", 
      "phoneCode": "+354"
      "countryNameTw": "印尼", 
      "phoneCode": "+62"
      "countryNameTw": "伊拉克", 
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      "countryNameTw": "烏拉圭", 
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