
Efficient Data Management in Redis: Leveraging Hashes and Sets for One-to-Many Relationships

When designing a caching solution in Redis for a one-to-many relationship, such as a quiz with multiple member answers, it’s important to choose the right data structures to ensure efficient storage and retrieval. Redis offers several data structures that can be used to achieve this, including hashes and sets. Below, we discuss two common approaches: using hashes and using sets combined with hashes.

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Redis 安裝與入門教學

REDIS 首先安裝 Redis 環境 Download 下載Redis壓縮,解壓縮後,make執行安裝 wget tar xzf redis-4.0.10.tar.gz cd redis-4.0.10 make 啟動redis server src/redis-server 啟動 redis clien src/redis-cli 接著就能測試新增及取得一筆資料 > set name helloworld OK > get name "helloworld" 常用指令 新增 SET 取得 GET 在測試新增及取得資料時,已經有使用過 SET 以及 GET 的方法

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